
Milan furniture faire 2011, Achille Castiglioni studio museum

Achille Castiglioni (Milan, 1918-2002) was a renowned Italian industrial designer. He was often inspired by everyday things and made use of ordinary materials[1]. He preferred to use a minimal amount of materials to create forms with maximal effect.

Achille Castiglioni studied architecture at the Politecnico di Milano University and set up a design office in 1944 with his brothers, Livio Castiglioni and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni. In 1956, Castiglioni founded the Associazione per il Disegno Industriale (Association for Industrial Design, ADI).

Castiglioni taught for many years, first at the Politecnico di Torino. In 1969 and later he led a class in Industrial Design at the faculty of Architecture at Politecnico di Milano, teaching several thousand students.

Castiglioni has exhibited his designs at every Milan Triennial since 1947 and has received seven Compasso d'Oro awards. Most of Castilglioni's products are design classics and are still in production under licence. The Museum of Modern Art has some of his most important designs in its permanent collection.

If it happens that you are in milan and are interested in design I would highly recommend to go and see Achille Castiglionis studio. You should be aware that you should book an appointment and it costs 5 euros.

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