
Street Furniture

One would be hard-pressed to call a stop sign refined, or consider kitsch clutches anything beyond modestly clever … but these pieces walk that strange narrow (dotted white or double-yellow?) line between junk object reuse and fine furniture design.
But now down to the nuts and bolts: public signage, license plates, plumbing pipes … all of these have been utilized as craft project materials before. So what makes these different? From coffee tables and miniature cabinets to stools and chairs, the answer is in the details.
Great care was taken to make these look less like cobbled-together, yard-sale scrap and to start seeming more like precious pieces of hand-crafted artistry. Still, no matter how hard you try, it is a little hard to take the ‘No Dumping’ sign chair too seriously. Clearly, some fun was had here as well.

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